Since everything has a birth, then everything also has a death. This is how we define Life. "Life without death does not exist."
At the same time, science tells us that at our core, we are made of energy, just like everything around us. However, energy neither dies nor is born; it only transforms. As a result, if everything is energy, then when we talk about death, we are actually talking about transformation, or more simply, about change.
Nothing remains the same, and simultaneously, nothing is lost.
How strange!
What does this mean for us?
At first, we might think: “Oh, how nice, so there is no death since nothing dies.” How convenient that would be! But if we look at it more closely, we will realize that the opposite is likely true because, for us as forms, there is indeed death. The transformation of my form from human to earth and worms is what I experience as death.
This realization that death is nothing more than change means that every change corresponds to some degree of death. Something has changed, meaning something was born and something died.
Every time we face a change, we are in contact with death.
The greater the fear of death, the more unbearable any change becomes. It doesn’t matter if the change is positive or negative. Change, by its nature, is intrinsically connected to death.
Thus, the only way to connect with our eternal nature is through our ability to withstand continuous changes, that is, through the repeated experiences of death and rebirth.