In the here and now
Together with yesterday, together with tomorrow, we live in today and act in the now!
Childhood, like everything that belongs to the past, is studied and explored through the way it continues to affect us in the present. The now is the only moment in which we shape experiences and, therefore, the only moment to create corrective experiences for past wounds or misunderstandings.
The therapy session is the moment when we are given the opportunity to experientially care for our wounds and heal what we hide deep within us, wounded.
It all starts with the relationship.
With care and respect, the psychotherapist is a companion on the journey that the client wishes to undertake, discovering deeper aspects of themselves.
Loss, a traumatic event, death, excessive stress, chaos, fear and anything else that may overwhelm us. Some may have their roots in the distant past and other may be of the present. Therapy begins with our meeting. That which seems so simple and routine is one of the most essential and therapeutic challenges. Our meeting and the manner in which we will coexist in a common place, face-to-face or online, will create the therapeutic condition.
Every person is unique.
As a psychotherapist, I am here because I want to get to know you and everything that makes you unique as a person
Many studies and categorizations have been made regarding disorders, compulsions, and neuroses. The problems and difficulties each of us encounters can be categorized in various ways. However, they are also unique in the same way that each of us is unique, as no two people are exactly alike.
Thus, in the session, we meet by setting aside labels and prejudices, keeping as a fundamental principle that what each person experiences is special and unique. Therefore, the initial goal is to understand what specifically characterizes each individual.
Subsequently, the goal is to determine what you can do with this and how you will coexist with it, or not.
Living with Joy
Knowing how to take care of ourselves allows us to find beauty in every moment.
Life is a chaos full of contradictions, unexpected surprises, uncertainty, pain, fear, and in the end, death. It sounds so harsh that it seems more like a joke than reality. Yet, within this incomprehensible and often unwelcoming world, we seek happiness and hope for a joyful and fulfilling life.
The problem is that we believe these two realities cannot coexist. Whether you are a pessimist, a nihilist, a rationalist, a ruthless professional, or a daydreamer, a cloud-catcher... etc.
The surprise is that these two contradictions do indeed coexist. Although life is all of the above, by acknowledging them, we have the opportunity to practice enduring the difficult emotions carried by the chaotic state in which existence is entangled. By enduring exposure to what we call life, we also endure creating relationships, connecting, and loving. Connection, engagement, and ultimately love are what give our lives meaning and illuminate them with joy and happiness.
So little for so much
One Hour a Week Where Only You Matter!
Psychotherapy is that one hour each week when you focus entirely and exclusively on yourself and the way you function. By getting to know yourself better, you gain the ability to reshape and transform the parts you choose to move. This way, during the remaining 167 hours of the week, you can be present in the here and now, more alive and stronger.
The therapist participates
Now, together, for you.
The psychotherapist is not a silent, distant academic. On the contrary, they continuously communicate with the client, participating in and contributing to their exploration. As a companion, the therapist stands beside the client and experiences the challenges they face together. It is a journey that is entirely their own but does not have to be undertaken alone; it is done together. This "together" is what makes the journey capable of transforming into a journey of truth, awareness, and strength.
Therapy is for Everyone I
Through therapy, we gain tools to handle life's problems more effectively
Anxiety, phobias, depression, panic attacks, existential concerns, and more.
All of these are issues that concern people in one way or another. There is no need to face them alone, and no need to give them more weight and time than is beneficial. Through the therapeutic relationship, every overwhelming situation becomes an opportunity for empowerment and resilience in the unpredictable journey we call life. Resilience and awareness of all aspects of life thus lead to greater well-being, which we all deserve.
Therapy is for Everyone II
Psycotherapy is a tool that enriches us.
Psychotherapy has often been associated with deep psychological disorders and, at times, with psychiatry. While this is a reality, psychotherapy has also developed in a way that makes it relevant to the general public and everyday issues.
Existential anxiety, the stress of daily life, difficulties with social interactions, barriers in relationships, fear of death, the pain of losing loved ones, the harshness of seeking our freedom—these are all aspects that affect everyone. Therapy provides the opportunity, starting from the here and now, to equip each of us with tools to face our daily lives with awareness.
In addition to providing tools, therapy also offers the right framework and time to experience what we carry within us—repressed and silent. By allowing these experiences to emerge, be expressed, and be lived, therapy helps us release the weight they have carried.
With respect to each person’s way
Everything that troubles us—whether it's anxiety, phobias, or depression—was once useful and saved us from something. Every mechanism we have developed, no matter how dysfunctional it seems now, was once the best possible solution. Therefore, through therapy, with respect for the existence of this mechanism, we will identify to what extent it remains helpful and to what extent it has become dysfunctional.
In this way, it can be overcome and replaced with a new, more functional approach to addressing our issues.